
Thai Amulet

Thai Amulet

Thai Amulets Sawasdee Krap! Welcome to the world of Thai amulets and the fascinating practice of Thai Amulet Collection. Thai amulets, or "พระเครื่อง" (Pra Krueang) in Thai, hold a special place in Thai culture and spirituality. They are believed t...
LP Thuat Amulets

LP Thuat Amulets

Luang Phu Thuat amulets, have long been revered for their ability to connect individuals with the spiritual power and blessings of the great legendary guru monk of immortal fame, promoting and inspiring for personal, and spiritual growth and well-being....
Thai Amulet Shop

Thai Amulet Shop

Thai Amulet Shop - All Categories of Thai Amulets, All Makers, Temples, & Thai Amulets in Store. Our Thai Amulet Shop is your comprehensive online destination for a diverse range of Thai amulets. Our collection spans across all categories, featuring...
Thai Master Monks

Thai Master Monks

Thai Master Monks: An In-depth Look into Their Life Trajectories and the Significance of Their Amulets The Thai community is deeply rooted in spirituality, and the role of Master Monks is instrumental in shaping its religious and cultural landscape....
Luang Phu Ban Wat Mae Ya

Luang Phu Ban Wat Mae Ya

Luang Phu Ban, Grand Master Monk of Wat Mae Ya Thai Buddhist Temple Luang Phu Ban was ordained as a Samanera Novice Monk at the age of 15 in the year 2450 BE at Wat Sandonrom, with Luang Phu Kroo Ba Ma serving as his Upachaya Ordaining Officer. After...

Privacy Policy

Who we are We are an online only Thai Amulet Store who send authentic Thai amulets worldwide: Our website address is: Cookies If you visit our store login page, we will set a temporary cookie...


有关泰国佛牌和泰国佛教僧侣的中文文章 泰国佛牌,通常被称为“泰国佛教护身符”,是许多泰国佛教徒所崇敬的灵物。人们相信它们可以为持有者提供保护、好运和各种祝福。这些护身符通常包含受人尊敬的僧侣或佛陀的图像,传统上由粘土或金属制成。这篇文章可能深入探讨了这些护身符的丰富历史和意义,以及僧侣在泰国佛教中的角色。 Tàiguó fó pái, tōngcháng bèi chēng wèi “tàiguó fójiào hùshēnfú”, shì xǔduō tàiguó fójiào tú suǒ chóngjìng de líng wù. Rénmen xiāngxìn tāmen kěyǐ wéi chí yǒu zhě tígōng bǎohù, hǎo yùn hé gè zhǒng zhùfú. Zhèxiē hùshēnfú tōngcháng bāohán shòu rén zūnjìng de sēnglǚ huò fótuó de túxiàng, chuántǒng shàng yóu niántǔ h...


泰國佛教高僧、他們的傳記和護身符 引人入勝,詳細介紹了他們的啟蒙之路。這些僧侶畢生致力於學習和修行佛教教義,這為他們在泰國社會贏得了受人尊敬的地位。 泰國高僧的生活與泰國的文化和傳統緊密相連,使他們成為保存和弘揚佛教修行的重要人物。他們鼓舞人心的故事和圍繞其護身符的神秘感繼續吸引泰國佛教內外的追隨者。 Tàiguó fójiào gāosēng jīngcháng yīn qí shēnkè de zhìhuì hé jīngshén chéngjiù ér shòudào zūnjìng, tāmen de zhuànjì yǐnrénrùshèng, xiángxì jièshàole tāmen de qǐméng zhī lù. Zhèxiē sēnglǚ bìshēng zhìlì yú xuéxí hé xiūxíng fójiào jiàoyì, zhè wèi tāmen zài tàiguó shèhuì yíngdéle shòu rén zūnjìng dì dìwèi. T...
Luang Phu Ban 瑪雅寺

Luang Phu Ban 瑪雅寺

Luang Phu Ban 瑪雅寺 (Wat Mae Ya) 寺院院長 于2450 BE年15岁时在Wat Sandonrom被授予了Samanera初级僧人的称号。Luang Phu Kroo Ba Ma是他的授戒师(Upachaya)。一段时间后,Luang Phu Ban转移到现在被称为Wat Sangkaram的Wat Pradtuli寺。 随着时间的推移,Luang Phu Ban的亲属开始催促他脱离僧职,回去帮助他们做农活,因为他们非常需要帮助。尽管如此,Luang Phu Ban拒绝了这...
偉大的泰國僧侶 Ajarn Nong Wat Sai Khaw 寺

偉大的泰國僧侶 Ajarn Nong Wat Sai Khaw 寺

泰國大僧侶 Ajarn Nong(Wat Sai Khao 寺前住持)的傳記與護身符 西元 2482 年,21 歲的阿贊農 (Ajarn Nong) 受戒為比丘。他的修行生涯值得尊敬,是泰國佛牌製作史上最重要的 Luang Por Tuad 佛牌製作者之。他成為出生地安弗科克波 (Ampher Koke Po) 北大年府 (Wat Sai Khaw) 的院長。 在他擔任比丘的 60 年裡,他製作了 40 多個版本的傑作護身符。西元 2542 年 9 月 11 日,位於 Ampher Koke Po(北大年)的 Wat Sai Khaw 的前住持 Ajarn Nong ...