Luang Phu Tim y Sus Amuletos Tailandeses

Luang Phu Tim Issarigo, un nombre que resuena profundamente en la comunidad de devotos de amuletos budistas tailandeses, fue una figura extraordinaria cuya vida y creaciones continúan inspirando reverencia y admiración. Nacido en 1879 en Ban Hua Tun, provincia de Rayong, Tailandia, Luang Phu Tim dedicó su vida al camino del Dhamma, convirtiéndose en uno …

Luang Phu Tim Thai Amulets

Luang Phu Tim Issarigo, a name that resonates profoundly within the community of Thai Buddhist amulet devotees, was an extraordinary figure whose life and creations continue to inspire reverence and admiration. Born in 1879 in Ban Hua Tun, Rayong Province, Thailand, Luang Phu Tim dedicated his life to the path of Dhamma, eventually becoming one …

Lek Lai Lucky Star amulets of Luang Phu Simpalee

The Lek Lai Libido Powders Amulets of LP Simpalee

Luang Phu Simpalee, a revered figure in the realm of Thai Buddha Magic, is renowned for his extraordinary amulets, particularly the rare silver Lek Lai Pyramid and Lucky Star amulets. These amulets, crafted with sacred materials and imbued with potent blessings, hold immense significance for collectors and devotees alike. The following exploration takes a closer …

Luang Por Tuad 2537 BE 打固 神聖 Kakyayaks 地球 Ajarn Nong

Pra Luang Por Tuad Pim Si Liam 2537 BE 打固 Narai Plaeng Roop 神聖 Kakyayaks 地球 Ajarn Nong Wat Sai Khaw Pra Luang Por Tuad 巨型護身符「Pim Si Liam」(長方形版本),底座插入打固 Narai Plaeng Roop,來自 Khao Or 大師,Pra Ajarn Nong,Wat Sai Khaw 已故住持。這個模型是Pim Jumbo Fang Takrut(帶有打固咒插入的大模型),於2537年Pra Ajarn Nong 75歲時發布。該系列節目在 Wat In 發布,由 Pra Ajarn Nong 表演祝福與灌頂。 該護身符是由 Luang Phu …