Thai Ghosts – Phii Prai

Thai ghosts, or “Phii,” are a deeply ingrained part of Thai culture and spirituality, influencing beliefs, rituals, and daily life. These spirits are not only a source of fascination but also an integral part of how Thai people interact with the spiritual and natural world. The belief in ghosts is widespread and accepted across Thailand, …

Phra Neua Pong Solos Maha Prohm amulets

The Phra Neua Pong Solos Maha Prohm amulets, also known as the “sacred Maha Prohm powder amulets,” are revered objects crafted from highly sanctified and powerful materials, renowned for their supernatural qualities. These amulets trace their origins to Pong (sacred powder) meticulously collected by Ajarn Pathom Atsakorn, a former cooperative officer in Ban Khai, Rayong …

组成 Phra Pong Solos Maha Prohm

佛牌「Phra Neua Pong Solos Maha Prohm」(又称“神圣的Maha Prohm粉末佛牌”)是用高度神圣化和强大材料精制而成的受人崇敬的物件,以其超自然的力量而闻名。这些佛牌的起源可以追溯到阿赞·帕通·阿查克(Ajarn Pathom Atsakorn),他曾是罗勇府Ban Khai区的一位合作社官员。阿赞·帕通收集了神圣的“Pong”(粉末),以制作佛牌,供奉敬爱的Wat Lahan Rai寺的住持龙婆添(Luang Pu Tim Isariko)。 这一佛牌系列被称为Phra Chut Pong Solos Maha Prohm,因其依赖稀有的秘法知识而著称,尤其是复杂的“Solos Maha Prohm”法术。掌握这一神秘的技艺极具挑战性,需要在吉时刻刻运用古梵文老挝文的神圣文字,并吟诵咒语,完成开光和祝福仪式。 Solos Maha Prohm 知识的重要性 据说,掌握Solos Maha Prohm法术的修行者拥有从神圣领域召唤祝福的力量,包括从16层天界(chaan)、15层地界、14层badan(冥界)以及20个梵天界,直至最高层次——Suddhavasa。所有这些天界神灵会为用于制作这些佛牌的神圣材料赐予祝福。 Phra Chut Pong Solos Maha Prohm 佛牌的神圣成分 以下是组成 Phra Chut Pong Solos Maha Prohm 佛牌的主要神圣粉末和神秘材料: Pong Wiset Solos Maha Prohm – 龙婆Sri That,Wat Tha Dok …

Look Om Thai amulette von Buddhistische Nonne Mae Chee Bun Ruean

Look Om Thai amulette von Buddhistische Nonne Mae Chee Bun Ruean

Un amulette extrêmement rare et profondément vénérée, rarement rencontrée, de la grande religieuse bouddhiste thaïlandaise, Mae Chee Bun Ruean, du Wat Awut; le Look Om Sacré révèle le mélange unique de poudre sacrée Muan Sarn, instantanément reconnaissable comme étant celui de Mae Chee Bun Ruean, et composé de ses célèbres ingrédients sacrés ‘Poon Sek Muan …